Conditions Expected to Improve with CZL Active Care

Do you have low back pain that occurs daily with activities, prolonged sitting or after bending?
When you sit at your computer do you have pins sense in your hands, neck ache and headaches?
Have you been in a motor vehicle accident and now experience neck pain, back pain and headaches?
Does pain keep coming back after you play a sport or resume a daily activity?
Have you stopped playing a sport or activity because of constant pain?
Are you pregnant and experiencing back pain?
Did you have an injury many years ago and feel like things are getting worse or have new pains?
When you play your sport, tennis or golf you experience shoulder, arm or elbow pain?
Does your shoulder hurt after you do repetitive movements of raising your arms?
Do you experience hip and knee pain with prolonged standing and walking activity?
Do you have leg, knee or foot pain when you walk, run, dance or jump?
Does your wrist feel stiff and fingers burn, ache or feel numb and tingling?
Do you have difficulty kneeling and bending with gardening or simple daily activities?
Have you been told you have some type of arthritis causing pain and limitations in activity?
Do you joints feel stiff in the morning and muscle feel tense and ache during the day? 
Do you feel like you are more tired and slowing down in your activity level?
Do you feel like you are aging faster and doing less because of fatigue and poor stamina? 
“I just don’t feel good and I want to be able to do more, have more energy and be more active”

Commentary by Dr. Chris
I have actively worked with many patients over the last 20 years who have come to me with many various pain conditions.  What is common to all is that all are unique.  Each person who presents to me with a pain condition, we go through the process of evaluating the condition to find the cause and work with the best combination of therapies that suit the condition to see results and improvement in daily life.

What is your pain condition?
Please feel free to take advantage of the free initial 15 minute consultation to discuss your specific pain condition and how our appraoch may help you.  Call us for an appointment.

Arthritis Management Treatment and Prevention


"Arthritis is the greatest cause of chronic pain later in life"
The human body by design is subject to mechanical stresses due to our upright posture and activities of sitting, bending and twisting.   Conditions like osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and myofascitis are all common in that they are an inflammatory breakdown of the structures that support your body.  It is a degenerative process that will commonly continue into later life unless it is stopped.  It is the most common cause of impairment in your daily activity and also may cause depression. 

Five essential factors for effective arthritis treatment
Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive orthopedic and neurologic examination
Postural balance, muscle, tendon and joint motion examination
Natural pain and inflammation management
Nutritional support for tissue healing and joint health
Manual chiropractic joint manipulation movement therapy
Rehabilitation exercise for rebalancing of posture, strength and stability

Arthritis prevention program
Regular chiropractic spinal hygiene therapy
Postural balance and maintain stability therapeutic exercises
Nutritional support for joint health
Test for bio-markers and your genetic risk for inflammation
Regularly monitor your anti-oxidant levels