Living in Pain is NOT an Option!  Treat the CAUSE!

The human body by design is subject to mechanical stresses due to our upright posture and activities of sitting, bending and twisting.   Conditions like osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and myofascitis are all common in that they are an inflammatory breakdown of the structures that support your body.  It is a degenerative process that will commonly continue into later life unless it is stopped.  It is the most common cause of impairment in your daily activity and also may cause depression. 

Dr. Chris's active care approach to the treatment of these conditions starts with identifying the cause of the pain.  We also prevent these conditions by treatments that help you maintain balanced posture and movement.

Dr. Chris is a specialist in the biomechanics of the human body.   He applies the principles of the science of biomechanics in relation to the activities causing pain to reveal the underlying source of your pain. 

Due to lifestyle stresses, posture and injuries, the body goes through many compensations that create imbalances and persistence of pain.  You may ask, “why do I feel pain every time I play golf, sew, play guitar, dance, work in my garden, run or simply walk for exercise?” 

By a thorough history and a biomechanical oriented examination we can help you understand the factors contributing to your pain.  The examination will focus on postural alignment, spinal and joint mobility, patterns of muscle balance, neurologic function, orthopedic testing and specific biomechanical testing of body movements in relation to the activity causing pain.

Now, we can design a plan to effectively manage the pain problem. 
Our goal is to help restore proper biomechanical mobility and balance to the whole body, rehabilitate to stabilize postural alignment, retrain correct movement patterns, and show you how to return to activities in a way that prevents a return of pain.  Now you can enjoy your life with less pain.     

Integrative ACTIVE CARE
Treatment Plan involves:

A thorough pain history with daily activity functional capacity assessment combined with a postural bio-mechanical neuro-musculoskeletal examination to find the source of pain.  Pain can come from joints, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments.  Proper care requires identifying which structures have been injured.  

To help control inflammation naturally involves a combination of plant botanicals, proteolytic enzymes, therapeutic cold, rest and electro-acupuncture.

Manipulation is applied when inflammation processes have reduced and are designed to gently help re-establish full mobility to the injured region.  Research has shown that manipulation not only helps to restore mobility but also stimulates a quicker healing response from injury.  Many different types of manipulation procedures are used depending on the structures causing pain.

Spinal Manipulation for Vertebral Subluxation Complex:
The VSC is a condition of the spine which follows an injury and involves a complex of abnormal spinal joint movement, nerve irritation, muscle spasm and tissue degeneration which can lead to a condition of spinal arthritis if not resolved properly.

Spinal Inter-Vertebral Decompression manipulation for a condition of Spinal Compression Syndrome, SCS. 
SCS is a condition of mechanical compression of the spinal facet joints, discs and nerves which commonly develops from poor posture and prolonged periods of sitting or bending.  This manipulation involves a gentle traction to each vertebrae to decompress the compressed spinal structures. This helps to reduce pain and prevent the risk of future injury to the spine and a VSC condition of the spine.

Extremity Joint Manipulation
This manipulation is applied to the extremity joints of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot to help reduce pain, stiffness, lack of mobility, arthritis and injuries to these joints.

Soft Tissue Manipulation
Soft tissue manipulation is applied to muscles, tendons and ligaments that have been injured to reduce pain, release scar tissue and restore elasticity and movement. 

Proprioceptive training to establish balance to posture and movement.

Therapeutic exercises designed to help restore full capacity & body function

The ACTIVE CARE Treatment Plan is designed as a progressive series of active therapies to heal, restore balance, stability, strength and improve the movement integrity of the enitre body. 

Joint Movement Restoration Manipulation
Soft Tissue Manipulation and Muscle Myofascial Release therapy 
Flexion-Distraction Spinal Decompression therapy
Posture Rehabilitation and Balance Training 
Spinal Core Stabilization Rehabilitation Exercise therapy
Micro-current Electro-Acupuncture therapy
Therapeutic Physical Therapies & Therapeutic Exercise therapy
Ergonomic, Lift technique and Spinal Hygeine Education 
Nutritional therapy for tissue repair and regeneration
Sport specific biomechanical movement training for golf & tennis
Orthopedic bracing and orthotic support products

Each pain condition requires a unique combination of these therapies along the course of the active treatment process.  During the course of treatment I am re-evaluating and changing the therapies to achieve the best results and outcome.  The treatment also involves an active participation in home based therapies to get the maximum results. 

                      Can DrCZL Active Care help me?

Please call for your FREE personal initial consultation at:
                         860  739 - 6259